Some failures of magnetic brakes in servomotors

– Magnetic brakes in servomotors

Magnetic brakes are an important part of servomotors requiring a regular servicing schedule.

The brake considered in this post is an electromagnetic brake with a DC coil that releases electrically and brakes using a spring force.

When the brake coil is connected to the corresponding DC voltage (24VDC), the force of the springs is overcome by the magnetic force thus bringing the pressure plate into contact with the magnet and the brake disk moves clear and the rotor can turn.

The main parts of the brake system are the brake coil (Magnet) with an encapsulating winding, brake springs and the air gap.

In this case the Nm of the brake is 22Nm.

In addition, you can see the typical iron dust contamination (rusty colour) inside the servomotor

If your motor does not brake or not brake enough :

–  Some possible causes are in this case (in reference about this pictures):

-Incorrect voltage on the brake control unit.

-Brake control unit failed

-Air gap is not correct

-Incorrect braking torque

-Braking during operation – Emergency stops

-Overlapping wear during start and stop of drive.

-Friction of the brake coil with the air gap.

-Active braking via the drive motor with support of brake (quick stop)

-Starting wear in case of motor mounting position with vertical shaft, even when      the brake is not applied.

-Relative movements and shocks between brake rotor and brake shaft

-Number of start/stop cycles

-Number of brake switching operations

-Load alternation and jerks in the brake