Technical Adjust Foundation is committed to competitive global training!
Servo Motors Adjust is a company specialised in the repair and alignment of servomotors and special high revolution AC & DC type motors. Our specialised technical department covers all sectors of industry, tools, automotive, robotics, printing, food, glass industry, packaging… But to be truly competitive, we need highly qualified staff.
Today, many young people abandon their studies discouraged by the precariousness of the system, constant changes in the legislation of these studies and the lack of incentives to find a future job.

The Technical Adjust Foundation is committed to a competitive future built by all and for all, through high quality global training models.
How does the Technical Adjust Foundation work?
The Technical Adjust Foundation wants to open a window to many young people helping in their training from the university base, in order to ensure a good knowledge within the most advanced state-of-the-art technology, where sacrifice and human values combine with the opportunity to get a sound, quality job.
In this line, the Foundation plans to finance university studies or specialised masters in North American universities for students with high qualifications, regardless of their economic possibilities.
The objective will be to be able to carry out their work practice in Servo Motors Adjust, as long as their training is adapted to the technological options of the company. For other branches, there will be collaborating companies in the Foundation that will cover a wide range in different specialities.
Currently there are no scholarships available as the Foundation is still in the pipeline.
Once the relevant permits have been obtained, the selection process will be opened.